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Sparks DS2000-3 : $349/mth S$1047.00

Not Added  
Total: S$1047.00

Prices in hosting plans include taxes.

  Processor Setup fee Monthly fee
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83Ghz/12MB/1333Mhz FSB S$0.00 S$0.00
Intel XEON Quad Core E3-1230v2 3.30Ghz/8MB S$0.00 S$0.00
Intel XEON Quad Core E3-1270v2 3.50Ghz/8MB S$0.00 S$0.00

  Memory Setup fee Monthly fee
16 GB S$0.00 S$0.00
32 GB S$0.00 S$100.00

  Hard Disk Setup fee Monthly fee
2 x 2 TB SATA II 7.2k RPM S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 300 GB SAS 15k RPM S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 450 GB SAS 15k RPM S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 600 GB SAS 15k RPM S$0.00 S$0.00
1 x 128GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 128GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00
1 x 256GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 256GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00
1 x 512GB SSD S$0.00 S$50.00
2 x 512GB SSD S$0.00 S$100.00
1 x 120GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 120GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 240GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00
2 x 480GB SSD S$0.00 S$0.00

  Bandwidth Setup fee Monthly fee
Dedicated 10Mbps S$0.00 S$0.00
Dedicated 20Mbps S$0.00 S$250.00
Dedicated 30Mbps S$0.00 S$500.00
Dedicated 40Mbps S$0.00 S$750.00
Dedicated 50Mbps S$0.00 S$800.00
Dedicated 60Mbps S$0.00 S$1000.00
Dedicated 70Mbps S$0.00 S$1200.00
Dedicated 80Mbps S$0.00 S$1400.00
Dedicated 90Mbps S$0.00 S$1600.00
Dedicated 100Mbps S$0.00 S$1800.00

  Hosting Managed Services Setup fee Monthly fee
Anti-DDOS Services Windows/Linux (1 IP) S$0.00 S$500.00
Dedicated KVM/Power Over IP with 1 IP S$0.00 S$30.00
Managed Services Windows/Linux (1 Server) S$0.00 S$30.00
Managed Advanced Services Windows/Linux (1 Server) S$0.00 S$150.00
Managed Firewall Services (1 Server) S$0.00 S$50.00
Managed Services with Server Monitoring (1 Server) S$0.00 S$10.00
R1Soft Backup With NAS Backup (50G) S$0.00 S$20.00
R1Soft Backup With NAS Backup (100G) S$0.00 S$40.00
R1Soft Backup With NAS Backup (150G) S$0.00 S$60.00

  Hosting Control Panel Add-on Setup fee Monthly fee
PLESK Power Pack S$0.00 S$25.00
PLESK Anti-Virus By Dr Web S$0.00 S$45.00
PLESK Game Servers Module S$0.00 S$10.00
PLESK Language Pack Support S$0.00 S$10.00
PLESK Miva Merchant 5 S$0.00 S$55.00
PLESK Miva Fast Track S$0.00 S$35.00
PLESK Kaspersky AntiVirus (100 Mailboxes) S$0.00 S$30.00
PLESK Kaspersky AntiVirus (300 Mailboxes) S$0.00 S$40.00
PLESK Kaspersky AntiVirus (1000 Mailboxes) S$0.00 S$90.00
PLESK Kaspersky AntiVirus (3000 Mailboxes) S$0.00 S$250.00
PLESK Kaspersky AntiVirus (5000 Mailboxes) S$0.00 S$350.00
PLESK Kaspersky AntiVirus (10000 Mailboxes) S$0.00 S$650.00
PLESK Acronis Lite S$0.00 S$20.00
PLESK Acronics Full S$0.00 S$65.00
Softculous (Dedicated Server) S$0.00 S$10.00
Fantastico (Dedicated Server) S$0.00 S$10.00

  Hosting Control Panel Licences Setup fee Monthly fee
PLESK 10 Domains Licence (Dedicated Server) S$0.00 S$15.00
PLESK 100 Domains Licence (Dedicated Server) S$0.00 S$35.00
PLESK Unlimited Domains Licence (Dedicated Server) S$0.00 S$50.00
CPANEL Unlimited Domains Licence (Dedicated Server) End Of Life S$0.00 S$50.00
CPANEL VPS 30 Domains Licence S$0.00 S$50.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 100 Cloud & Metal Up to 100 $75 S$0.00 S$75.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 125 Cloud & Metal Up to 125 $85 S$0.00 S$85.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 150 Cloud & Metal Up to 150 $95 S$0.00 S$95.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 175 Cloud & Metal Up to 175 $105 S$0.00 S$105.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 200 Cloud & Metal Up to 200 $115 S$0.00 S$115.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 225 Cloud & Metal Up to 225 $125 S$0.00 S$125.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 250 Cloud & Metal Up to 250 $135 S$0.00 S$135.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 300 Cloud & Metal Up to 300 $155 S$0.00 S$155.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 350 Cloud & Metal Up to 350 $175 S$0.00 S$175.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 400 Cloud & Metal Up to 400 $195 S$0.00 S$195.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 450 Cloud & Metal Up to 450 $215 S$0.00 S$215.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 500 Cloud & Metal Up to 500 $235 S$0.00 S$235.00
Cpanel Premier Fixed 600 Cloud & Metal Up to 500 $275 S$0.00 S$275.00

  Additional Features Setup fee Monthly fee
Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Express S$0.00 S$0.00
Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Web Edition S$0.00 S$35.00
Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Workgroup S$0.00 S$125.00
Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Standard S$0.00 S$300.00
Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Enterprise S$0.00 S$1200.00

  Operating System Setup fee Monthly fee
Windows Server 2008 Web Edition S$0.00 S$20.00
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition S$0.00 S$30.00
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition S$0.00 S$40.00
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition (64 Bits) S$0.00 S$40.00
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition S$0.00 S$30.00
Windows XP/Vista/7 S$0.00 S$30.00
Linux CentOS 5/6/7 S$0.00 S$0.00
Linux Fedora S$0.00 S$0.00
Linux Debian S$0.00 S$0.00
Linux Ubuntu S$0.00 S$0.00
Linux Redhat S$0.00 S$0.00
Linux FreeBSD S$0.00 S$0.00
Linux Gentoo S$0.00 S$0.00

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